Dredd Movie Review

While the Judge Dredd movie from 1995 may have gone down in movie history as one of the most spectacular bombs of the last few decades, the source material was rich enough and the fans loud enough that another movie based on the universe was made.. Dredd. They aimed to stick a lot closer to the source material this time around, but there was a pr

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Friday the 13th: A New Beginning Movie Review

Much like the Halloween franchise tried to shake things up by stepping away from Michael Meyers, Friday the 13th took on a new direction in part 5 when the filmmakers opted (blog post) to take the series past the increasingly ridiculous Jason Voorhees plot. While this didn't last any longer than this one movie, it still makes for a unique entry i

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The Dinosaur Project Movie Review

Deep in the heart of the Congo hides the elusive creature, Mokele-Mbembe. To prove it's existence, a team of British Cryptozoologists embark on a quest to find (blog post) and record proof it is real. Oh, and they think it's a plesiosaur. And they think that's a dinosaur. They're doomed.Source: The Dinosaur Project Movie Review - Decker Shado Mo

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Stitches Movie Review

Starring comedian Ross Noble as Stitches the clown, Stitches is the tale of a clown who has a fateful final birthday party show he never got to finish... until six years later, when (blog post) he comes back from the grave to do so in ways even harder to clean up than overzealous application of cake and gelatin!Source: Stitches Movie Review - Dec

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Route 666 Movie Review

On a short ride, you may very well get your kicks. However, go too far and you'll end up on the drive... FROM HELL! Something like that anyway, as Route 666 shows us that when a horrible fate befalls criminals in the distant past, they aren't the most forgiving in the afterlife. (blog post) So cars, guns and zombies! What more can you ask for? So

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